He started walking well and all the time at the beginning of December. He was 15 months old.
Christmas was fun - we got him a crawler thing that he can crawl over and through. We also visited Georgia for the holidays and he had a lot of fun. The plane rides weren't so fun... I'm that lady with the crying kid. But I couldn't care less about what anyone else thought, I felt bad for my child.
Luke has just been going since then. He never stops, he babbles all the time, he terrorizes the cat lovingly, and sleeps at least 12 hours a night. He says his variation of "daddy," used to call the cat Sam by "DA," and his Momma is "boba." He just started saying "bye bye" when he closes himself in a closet. He waves every time I pick him up, even if no one is around.
Things Luke loves to do:
climb on stuff (even people)
fall back on something soft (cause hard hurts, weve learned)
stack and unstack
get into the pots and pans
hide and seek himself
close doors
whine when he doesn't get his way
run away from bath totally naked
"swim" in the tub
"help" throw things away
re-arrange the pantry
play outside
suck his pacifier (ugh)
look at people in public places
Things Luke doesn't like to do:
get his nose cleaned
be left at the nursery at church
naps when he doesn't think he's tired
come in from playing outside
falling on the cold, wet snow
use his manners
He makes me laugh so hard sometimes (putting the colander on his head and laughing) and he makes me crazy sometimes (throwing his milk on purpose and with much force). I think he is the greatest kid in the world. No one else's kid is this cute or funny. Seriously.
I'll try to update more and include more pictures. Join as a friend on facebook if you aren't already to see tons of pictures. And check out our YouTube page for great video (especially the bath times).
-Mother of the Greatest Kid Ever