Height 31 1/4 inches long
Weight 24 pounfs 14 ounces
Head circumference 19 inches (48.3 cm)
These measurements put him in the 25-50 percentile for boys his age. I'm fully expecting his to be long and lean and play infield baseball, but that's just me. He is a pretty fast runner, although the diaper slows him down a little.
At that point he wasn't really talking much, just throat grunting. Had this teacher very worried. By May he was "talking" and using real words all over the place. He is learning new words every week and with much emphasis. He also thinks he is the boss of Sam, the cat. Poor cat.
By now he is fascinated with balloons, going bye-bye on foot (on his own), his male parts (it's funny to him), being naked (though he can't get himself to that state, he needs help), Sesame Street (Cookie Monster and Elmo- I don't get the appeal), helping water the plants, and other little kids. He likes to be involved, is curious and investigative, and when he doesn't get his way he hits the floor like he heard gunshot. He's great at throwing a fit- if a fit could be literally thrown, he'd probably win for furthest throw.
We are so lucky that he has been so healthy. No major illnesses, only 3 or 4 bad colds, no allergies, eats pretty well, sleeps like a champ, he's active, and pretty much does what we ask/tell him. I think he is setting us up for the next kid to be the total opposite.
Here are some pictures of my love from the past few months.

Check out his videos (updated much more than this blog) at YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MMLVargas
Miguel and I will be going to Italy in a few weeks and Luke gets to spend his time in Georgia with Meme and Grandpa Mike. That will be fun for al involved. I should have some pictures from that to share.
Until next time, whenever that is...
The Three Amigos