In that amount of time he has:
flown to Georgia again
been way from Mom and Dad overnight
cut 7 teeth total
eaten all kinds of yummy foods
turned 1 YEAR OLD!
gotten his first hair cut (or hairs trimmed)
perfected his "No" head-shaking
traveled to Austin
drooled a lot
and pooped in the bathtub 3 times
Also in that amount of time, he has NOT:
gained a lot of weight (although he's healthy)
walked on his own (because he's stubborn)
or said "Mama" (though he babbles tons)
He can crawl like the dusty winds of west Texas- fast and messy. And he can walk very well with us holding his hands or behind a push toy. He can cruise very well, pulls up fabulously, and climbs well enough too. But he doesn't want to walk. I am getting both less and more concerned. I think he takes after his parents and is slightly lazy, but I also think "Why isn't he walking yet- is something wrong?!?!?"
I'm sure he'll get it one day. Until then, I probably will forget to post anything because, well, he wouldn't have done anything worth posting. Enjoy the gorgeous pictures of my sweet blessing from Heaven.
-Megan, mother of a perpetual crawler
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