Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dear Blythe...

Before Luke was born I wrote him a letter because the baby book told me to. Ha ha. Anyway, I got pregnant, found out it was a girl, and still never wrote a letter. We got her the same baby book as Luke's and I didn't do most of it (yet). So I'm working on it now. I have composed tons of would-be letters to Blythe and I wanted it to be perfect. Well, that won't ever happen so I'll let this be my first one. I'm not sure if I'll do more but this is a start.

Dear Blythe,
I have had the pleasure of knowing you for 365 days and it feels like so much more than that. You are truly the apple of my eye. I’m sorry I didn’t write a letter to you before you were born like the baby book tells me to. Honestly, you are the second born and life gets in the way of important things, like letting your unborn baby know how special they already are. But I like writing to you now, a year later on your 1st birthday, because I have gotten to see so much of your personality.

I have started a hundred letters to you in my head over the past year. Most of those were while I was holding you or rocking you to sleep. And I would take those sleepless moments with you over anything else in the world.

You are a joy. You love me right now so it’s very enjoyable for me. You are so loving and silly and a charmer. You cock your head to the side and smile and giggle and we can’t help but do the same. You love to dance, even when there’s no music playing. You’re so healthy and happy; it’s been so easy being your mommy.

I could write forever telling you how special and loved you are but I would still forget something. So I think I will just tell you that you are special. You are unique. You are fun. You are beautiful. You are whiney. You are heavy. You are loved. You and your brother are everything to your father and me. I hope that we do you both justice in raising and loving you. I hope we don’t fail you too many times. I hope you know how much everyone loves and adores you. I pray that you learn to love and trust Jesus and find God early in life. I pray that you live a full, happy, and healthy life.

I don’t know if you’ll read this later in life, but if you read this and any other letters I write to you later on, know that I was sitting up late at night thinking about you. Know that I can’t believe God chose to give me a perfect son and then a perfect daughter. I got what I wanted in life- I pray that you do too.

I love you, my sweet girl. Happy 1st birthday Blythe!

Your Enamored Mommy

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