Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've got nothing

Pregnancy has stolen my humor and wit. I had tons of it before now.

Being pregnant is... fill in the blank. Right now it's "eh." That's why I can't write anything here.

I was going to write about things that make me cry while pregnant because it was an interesting list. I've forgotten so many though that I can just put it here: a beautiful, sunny day on the playground at school; Reader's Digest stories (especially when they result in people being disabled); Delilah on the radio at nights with all those stupid dedications (almost called in two weeks ago to dedicate a song to my husband); and the endings of movies like 13 Going on 30, Notting Hill, and Elf. The part at the end of Elf where they all sing and Santa's sleigh gets some air and flies over the crowd really gets me!

Ooh, I hear a Grease commercial in the background. I bet I'll cry at the end of that when they sing "Always be together..."

Oh- I bought some maternity jeans Friday. Yeah, now I can breathe. I didn't go to a maternity store- I'm not quite that pregnant. I went to Gap maternity (thank you husband's discount!). It was fine. I got a pair that are big on me but I'm working on a bag of Cheese Puffs right now so I'll probably fit into the jeans real soon. I'm not "showing" at all, but my size has increased. God is being funny! I'll feel more special when I'm showing and wear those ugly maternity shirts and people ask to touch my belly and I tell them "No."

Having the first grandchild is fun. Miguel is an only child so we're his parents only hope. And on my side, my brother probably won't have kids for a while since he and his wife can't make up their minds about it. I've heard differing views and it doesn't concern me. Anyway, I do like having the first one on both sides. So far it's the only special thing. I mean, this fetus that is the size of a grapefruit right now is very special and I feel bad when I poke my abs to try to make it move, but I am wanting to feel more special. I guess that octuplets mom wanted to feel special too. Ha.

Warning here, I'm going to get real personal so if you don't want to know it, skip ahead. So, I was getting dressed this morning and OHMYGOSH! Do my eyes deceive me? No, that couldn't be. Is it? WHYYYYYY? Stretch marks on the underside of my left boob. Now, my chest has grown significantly so I guess I should have predicted this... maybe? So upsetting. Again, good one, God. But Mofabulous has already bought me belly butter so I'm going to smear that on. Just my left boob. But I better examine myself very carefully so that I don't miss anything.

Besides my great disdain for raw chicken, I've not cooked dinner since December and I'm totally looking forward to guessing what fast food Miguel will let me have for dinner tonight. Maybe that's why I'm expanding but not showing. Hmmm, I'll go ponder that one now.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's good to know the body butter is going to get some use! Ling ling makes me laugh. That's a good thing though because some people's fetus' make me want to puke. Sorry, but it's so true. Like the Octo-mom...seriously.

    Love you and ling ling. Always.

    Can't wait to take you with me places once it starts the show....I was in the car with Mrs. D the other day yelling at cars cutting me off because I was 9 months pregnant. Now, I know why you want to be showing......
