The baby is... questionable.
Before I tell you what the predictions are I must say that I have no intuition as to the sex. Yes there is a baby penis or baby vagina inside of me (please don't have both!) but I still can't tell if it's a boy or girl. I tend to think it's a boy because we have a boy name for sure picked out and we have blue curtains that would be convenient for a boy's room (although if it's a girl she's getting those blue curtains). Anyway, I don't have that mother's intuition about the sex and in the end I want one boy and one girl so it doesn't matter too much what this one is.
On to the predictions:
The Chinese Birth Chart says that when I conceived at age 27 in November I should be having a boy. Most charts say that but a few are off and must have been found in a different tomb in China.
The Mexican way of doing it, says my Hispanic co-worker, is the gold or white gold ring (preferably your own wedding band) on a gold chain. You hold out a palm and the other person holds the chain over over your hand. It's still at first but eventually it will move. If it moves in a circle it is a girl and if it moves back and forth it is a boy. Both times we tried it, and when I did it to myself at home, it said girl.
I love the science that goes along with these techniques. If you know of any other ethnic predictors I'd be interested and will post results. I think the best way to determine, short of checking out the baby when it pops out, is to get the sonogram on April 7th at 2 pm. That baby better be ready to reveal itself. Hold on please... Okay, I'm back. I wanted to tell that baby that it better be spread eagle that day so we can find out if it's a him or her. I would think that Cha Cha would want to be called the appropriate name.
So I need to go now. I am totally going to eat some hot dogs (heated up to steaming of course). I am so hungry!
-Megan of the Vargas'
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